Thomas Brummett is the owner of Studio-4a LLC (and the arts blog, a successful Commercial Photography Company for the last 20 years with sales of over 4 million dollars of Advertising Stock Photography at Getty Images for the Business, Financial, Lifestyle, Travel, Leisure and Healthcare industries offering both Still and Motion Capture services. I am and expert in helping companies identify and especially visualize their marketing concepts and needs. I also develop in house stock collections, license and manage online digital assets, color management, as well as helping them to store, access, retrieve and monetize their visual assets in today’s online social world. I have extensive knowledge of all types of product and people photography, lighting, color reproduction and workflow as well as all types of digital asset management. My main strength is having a deep knowledge of how the still image can communicate ideas effectively. I can tell you very quickly whether your images and visual ideas are working for you (or against you) in the competitive online environment. If I can make Getty Images over four million with my self art directed images I can surely do something for your company. I have become very successful in the art world (with work in multiple museums worldwide) AND the commercial world (Which means I can use both sides of my brain to help you with your visual needs).